in limbo:
without time there is no marker
by which I
can pass the days of the absence
of reason
I feel drained I feel wrong I feel small
I feel that
I'll never be okay again
in my life.
Hope loves you, and I am stuck asking
is this right
I am blind among a vivid field
of wild flow'rs
I cannot hear the pleading crunch
of soft snow
a sight for sore eyes, these leaves fall
on deaf ears
show me how to exist here with no
plasma or
marrow or receptors or life-blood
no real heart
the structure is there but devoid of
its insides
the stuff that makes it tick tock tick
off the days
on a made-up calendar that screams
when challenged
Don't ask questions it yells Just fight
the good fight
Just love everyone and keep well
to yourself
well I'm damn tired of loving from
the outside
give me purpose give me sense give me
a quota
anything to make me feel that this
life I lead
is more than a biological
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