Tuesday, April 20, 2010

whatever I say goes... you're not here with me.

It's time for you to realize that any hopes you have concerning our future are dead. I will never forget what happened, and I will never come back to you on hands and knees, asking for a second chance. You will never know me like you did then, and you will never convince me to stay again.

Your name once claimed a spot in my heart that made me yield to your every word, cry for every tear you shed, smile for every joy you knew, but it's burned straight through my skin and now there's only a scar of letters that used to have meaning.

I once cared for you, for your person- your face, your mind, your compassion. Now I care only for the memory of myself when I was around you.

You say you still care for me, but you don't know me anymore. All you know is the memory of yourself when you were around me. You can't even remember how I look, aside from the pictures; all you have are pictures, pictures and words.

This is an assertion of my existence without your further influence. It's time for you to realize that you no longer have any hand in determining what I will or will not do.

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