Wednesday, January 27, 2010

i'm not good with titles...

I want to write a blog about an experience I had tonight, mostly because I think it's funny and I hope whoever reads this (Tess) will think it's funny, too.

This semester I'm intent on finding a church in which to belong here in Austin, so I looked up the information about the University Baptist Church which is a couple of blocks down the street from my dorm. I slept in Sunday instead of attending the service, but I saw that there is a 7:00 college bible study on Wednesday. Not knowing anything about this church, I walk into a room full of adults talking, interrupting them in the process, and ask about the bible study. The minister calls this guy Brent, who apparently leads the bible study, and makes me talk to him. How awkward, thanks. So, after concluding the awkward phone conversation with the guy I've never met, I make my leave promising to be back next Tuesday.

But as I step through the door, this cute little old man (I forget his name) stops me and invites me to stay for choir practice. I can't tell him no because he's just so darn nice, so I walk back in and get introduced to all the adults as a new choir member- crap. They were all very welcoming and inquired about my school and hometown until we headed upstairs for practice. There are about twenty members in this little church choir, and here I am sitting in their midst, someone who wondered in off the streets, sight-reading these old-school church choir songs. It's a funny situation; but, admittedly, I did enjoy the chance to just sing with a group again.

-Just a funny little story about my day. In other news, I'm really enjoying my classes. I'm learning a lot about the theory of Democracy, which, to my surprise, I'm finding incredibly interesting. I'm also thinking about asking (or demanding) someone to be my Valentine's date and take me somewhere nice to dinner... Just a thought.

1 comment:

  1. Haha duuuude that's so funny and awkward! I feel like I get in situations like that all the time. Are you gonna go back?? I'm proud of you for even going, I would not be so brave. AND you should totally demand a Valentine's Date. so cute. I will be your valentine's date, Scott's gonna be on a retreat that weekend :P Yay for us writng blogs!!! Give me more!!!
